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Matcha Uji Quotidien

Matcha Uji Quotidien

En stock: 173
Notre Matcha Quotidien est l'option idéale pour les amateurs de thé Matcha au budget limité. Notre Matcha Uji Quotidien est plus amer et corsé que nos grades supérieurs, ce qui en fait un excellent choix si vous souhaitez utiliser du matcha pour élaborer des boissons, par exemple un délicieux latte au thé vert matcha ou une limonade au thé vert très rafraîchissante !

Bien que ce matcha contienne la même valeur nutritionnelle et les mêmes bienfaits pour la santé de nos poudres de matcha pur de qualité supérieure, il s'agit plus d'un matcha de qualité de restaurant, produit un peu plus tard dans l'année que notre Matcha Qualité Supérieure Izu ou nos poudres de Matcha de Céremonie .
Comment faire
une tasse de thé parfaite
0.5 CAC ou 1 SACHET
70-90ml / 2.4-3oz
75°C / 175F
0 min
Matcha japonais en poudre
Ryan Clemens
Novembre 2021
[EN] Actually great for the price, purchasing locally I've been using Nature's Way matcha for my smoothies but it's half the matcha this is in color and taste and this is cheaper as well (50g $12 NZD on sale vs 200g for $34) I think it would be hard to beat this. Taste is okay, has nothing on the Samurai Ceremonial but at least it isn't so bitter my face screws up, perfect for culinary uses as advertised.. Impressed!
Monica Bui
Juillet 2021
[EN] You really do get what you pay for, it has more of a powdery aftertaste and the flavour isn’t as well rounded as a higher quality uji matcha but in terms of budget matcha, this is a fantastic option. I like to have my matcha iced with a touch of honey and honestly unless you’re drinking it ceremonial style, I highly recommend this for those on a budget.
Janvier 2019
[EN] this matcha is AMAZING for the price. When I read reviews on it, I figured it would be pretty good, but the green is even more beautifully vibrant than I expected. I use this matcha in lattes, and it tastes incredible - about the same flavour and quality as David’s Tea’s Matcha Matsu but at half the price for the same amount. It is a bit clumpy, but if you sift it before mixing you should have no trouble. This stuff is amazing for my college budget and tastes better than anything else I’ve ever seen for this price. I’ll definitely be buying again
Xinxin Wu
Décembre 2018
[EN] This is my very first time to buy matcha tea in an attempt to try homemade matcha latte. This Everyday matcha turned out the perfect one for this!!! Yummy yummy i'm utterly obsessed now! Thanks tealyra for the great tea selection with competitive price.
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