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Peak Keramiktasse Infusor

Peak Keramiktasse Infusor

Auf Lager: 437

Unsere hübsche Peak-Keramik-Tee-Tasse ist schwer und dickwandig, damit Ihr Tee noch länger die richtige Temperatur behält. Das Tee-Ei ist leicht zu befüllen und zu reinigen und passt genau in die Tasse. Die Tasse wird mit einem praktischen Deckel geliefert, der das Aufbrühen optimiert und nach dem Ziehen auch als Untersetzer für das Sieb dient. Das superfeine Tee-Ei kann auch mit anderen Teetassen oder Ihrer Lieblings-Teekanne verwendet werden. Peak Ceramic Tea Mug ist unglaublich praktisch und macht jede Tasse Tee zu einem Kinderspiel, das Sie genießen können. Wir glauben, dass Sie sich genauso in unsere Peak Ceramic Tea Mug verlieben werden wie wir!


- Spülmaschinen- und mikrowellenfest (außer Metalleinsatz)
- Hitzebeständig bis 120C/240F
- Hochgebrannte Keramik
- Abnehmbares Edelstahl-Ei
- Keramikdeckel, der auch als Untersetzer für das Tee-Ei verwendet werden kann
- Fassungsvermögen: 16oz / 500ml

18.1oz / 580ml
Dezember 2024
[EN] This mug will change your life. I moved in with a man who had one which lasted 8 years til he dropped it on the floor and the handle broke away from the mug entirely, and he still used the mug, handleless, for a while before I replaced it for him with a yellow one. Unfortunately the yellow one ended up cracking (seemingly on its own?!) but we reckon it got knocked about in posting or something. Anyways I emailed and they're sending a replacement and the customer service is great. He also got me one for my birthday, its amazing, I can't believe how much longer my tea stays hot. We now also have matching slippers to our mugs. Life is great. Lots of Love, Angela
August 2024
[EN] Absolutely superb teamug, very well made. Buy one you won't regret it.
Dezember 2023
[EN] I bought one of these from a retailer in Galena, IL - a tourist town several hours away from where I live. When I got home, I noticed that the upper part of the handle came apart from the body. Since I bought it from a physical location several hours away, I figured that I would contact the OEM instead of the retailer. I was immediately in contact with a representative, Sergio, and his customer service is really second-to-none. He shipped us a replacement and it was perfect! It's my wife's favorite mug and she uses it all the time. Having the separate infuser is so helpful. In summary - great product and excellent customer service!
März 2023
[EN] I love this mug and infuser! So simple - very well made and finished.

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