Mein Favorit
japanese green tea

Gyokuro Kokyu

Auf Lager: 256
Koffeinspiegel (mg/1g)
Unsere Gyokuro Kokyu ist eine Mischung aus zwei der feinsten Kyoto Präfektur Tees, Ujitawara Gyokuro und Wazuka Kabuse Cha oder "beschatteter Tee". Durch das Mischen dieser Tees, wird eine einheitlich hohe Qualität Gyokuro produziert, welcher Tee-Enthusiasten in der ganzen Welt zu einem stabilen und erschwinglichen Preis zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann. Kabuse Cha wird in der gleichen Weise wie Gyokuro Tee angebaut, doch wird er in den letzten Woche vor der Ernte beschattet, um das Chlorophyllgehalt der Blätter zu erhöhen. Dadurch entsteht ein einzigartiges Aroma, welches sich irgendwo in der Mitte zwischen Sencha und Gyokuro befindet. Unsere Gyokuru Kokyu ist ein abgerundeter Tee mit einem leichten grasigen Geschmack in die ersten Noten, und einer reichen Umami Süße im anhaltenden Finish.
Wie man eine perfekte
Tasse Tee zubereitet
1-1,5 TSP oder 1 BEUTEL
8oz / 200ml
175F / 80°C
1.5 - 2 min
Grüner Tee
Sascha Uncia
Februar 2024
[EN] I have been experimenting with the gyokuro and reading brewing instructions online to learn how to brew it. I found some steps that are working well.

- You need to use a fair amount of leaves compared to other tea or the first infusion will be weak.

- The first steeping should be done at a lower temperature, around 60°C. If needed you could go up to 70°C as the temperature will drop when you add the water to the pot.

- Use filtered water, otherwise fully boil the water and let it cool down. I found that heating tap water to ~60°C without letting it boil really made the chlorinated taste stand out. The tea is delicate so it is easy to detect any off flavours.

- The first infusion will be light jade green, mildly umami, grassy, and have some sweetness. This is my favourite one.

- The tea can then be infused a couple more times, It will be more astringent and have a less green appearance. It's interesting how it changes so much between steeps. Subsequent infusions can be done at a higher temperature and should be shorter, around 40 sec to a minute.

- One site recommended making a salad from the spent leaves once they had been steeped a few times. You prepare it like spinach gomae, and it looks very similar. I tried this and it was pretty decent. Worth trying at least once and gives you some extra use from the leaves.
Sascha Uncia
Februar 2024
[EN] I don't have a lot of experience with Gyokuro but this is pretty good.
Anna Turek
Mai 2021
[EN] Love this one, it has a very gentle taste :)
Jules Bmi
Februar 2021
[EN] I love this tea. Just as described slightly grassy with a wonderful finish each sup
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