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Pu'erh Menghai Tuo Cha Mûr

Pu'erh Menghai Tuo Cha Mûr

En stock: 102
Niveau de caféine (mg/1g)
Le Pu'erh Tuo Cha Mûr est constitué de feuilles de thé pu'erh individuellement comprimées et emballées. Cet adorable mini Tuo Cha est produit dans la province du Yunnan. Le pu'erh mûr est réputé pour son goût riche et corsé, avec des notes de mélasse noire, de terre et de cacao noir. Il est juste assez fermenté pour enlever l'amertume d'un pu'erh cru et préserver le cha qi stimulant d'un pu'erh cru ! Lorsqu'ils sont infusés dans l'eau, les petits blocs perdent leur forme et libèrent un élixir apaisant.

Le thé a un magnifique arôme terreux et fumé et produit une liqueur cuivré foncé terreuse et douce, à l'arrière-goût sucré salé. Notre Pu'erh Tuo Cha Mûr est onctueux - une manière réellement satisfaisante de déguster un pu'erh !
Comment faire
une tasse de thé parfaite
200ml / 8oz
95°C / 205F
1.5 - 3 min
Thé Pu'erh
David Lewis
Juin 2024
[EN] in a gaiwan it gets strong fast, but even though it's not to me the best of tastes, it's still quite decent - and it's quite useful to carry around for work or travel
Janvier 2023
[EN] SO I really took a gamble on this pouch of tuochas from Tealyra. I was real worried they would be a gross type of ripe puerh. BUT THEY ARE GREAT. Really, they are exactly what I look for from these tuochas. Very dark, very deep, tastes like dark chocolate, coffee and rich dark bread and NO negative flavor characteristics. Three great full mugs — I really should have tried for a fourth. Interestingly, EACH steep had this dusky silt of puerh in the bottom – not sure if that means it’s a lower quality for Puerh People, but to me it made for a richer cup and exactly what I wanted. The tuocha also immediately lost its shape on the first steep, which I also don’t know if that means it’s a high or low quality tuocha… but VERY happy with these! They are perfect for my flavor preferences! I would gladly buy more of them. I think there were 15 tuochas in the 100 gram pouch I bought. They are a larger size tuocha compared to most.

Flavors: Bread, Coffee, Dark Chocolate, Rye
Bob Leta's Husband
Décembre 2020
[EN] I use T-SAC's, #2, available on line, stapled after filling with two toucha in 10 OZ water glass, In 1100 Watt microwave for 168 seconds, casting off first 15 second immersion, then do same 168 second microwave heating immersion to drink safely casting off old dust etc... After ten seconds color will get dark with same T-SAC, second time around. You can do same way for about 6 times, but you have to use tweezers to pull out T-SAC from heated water & put back in, dunking every two seconds. Be patients & dunk 20 to 40 times. Even reverse T-SAC. As you progress the tea gets sweeter! Very enjoyable. Only for the patient & experienced Pu-er tea lovers.
Philip H
Octobre 2020
[EN] A pu erh's pu erh!!! Steep for 3 min at boiling temp and you will find marvelous tea!!! It starts out slow, with the 1st cup being not yet there. The 2nd and 3rd cups are where it's at, with the 2nd enticing one's nose with the smell of a freshly dug pit/earth. If one has ever read Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado", one will be able to easily connect the aroma to the vault that determines one of the characters fate in EAP's novella. The 3rd cup more of the 2nd cup but better with a more intense aroma and moist earth taste. Upon steeping the 4th and 5th cups, the aroma and taste quickly evaporates until one is left with hot water with a taste of mildly moist earth. This is an outstanding tea if the aroma and taste do not prevent one from trying it. I recommend this tea highly and will order more. This is more than likely my go-to pu erh tea!! Well done Tealyra, well done!!
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